• Welcome

    In search

    I am always looking for new, environmentally friendly products for the concrete industry. I am convinced that long-term change will take place in the concrete industry too.

    New ways

    Renewable energies as the basis for the operation of plants is a big wish on my list. I am convinced that fossil fuels will soon be a thing of the past.


    Recycling old products and selling them is also one of my goals. Contacts from more than a decade help me with this. Why dispose of it when it can find a second home.

    Something about me

    Hello, my name is Sönke Tunn. Since 2007, I have been traveling the international concrete industry. I originally trained in ventilation construction and later transitioned back into plant construction through the sale of production boards. A few years ago, I began to eat more consciously and think more about our environment and its future. During my time in sales, I often struggled to balance making the right economic decisions with protecting the environment. 
    I was uncertain if sales was the right career path for me, despite enjoying it. In 2020, I took some time for myself and realized that sales, concrete, and environmental awareness can coexist. I developed a desire to find products that offer economical and environmentally friendly solutions. With this concept in mind, I decided to become self-employed.

    Sönke Tunn

    Video blogs on Youtube

    In addition to the occasional blogs here on the website, I will also increasingly include YouTube video blogs in the future. The vlogs will deal with topics such as: environmental friendliness within the concrete industry and I would also like to take you with me in my search for new solutions. There will also be some product presentations here and there.

    watch video

    CO2 neutral into 2023

    It is only a very small step at a low cost for me. Nevertheless, I have decided to keep my CO2 footprint as small as possible in the future and, if it is unavoidable, to compensate it with selected projects.

    There are lots of great programs for this and I won't be tied to one option. I opted for monthly payments because I always want to keep an eye on the greenhouse gases I cause and recalculate them.

    How do I calculate my current carbon footprint? The website of the Federal Environment Agency provides an online CO2 calculator for this purpose. Compared to the German average, I cause a lot more greenhouse gases than I first thought.

    Image source and values: uba.co2-rechner.de

    Certainly just a drop in the ocean at the moment. Nevertheless, many drops will eventually turn into rain.

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